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Build a Recording Studio

On this "How To" Hands-In tutorial we dive into the technical aspects and the options you have at the moment of creating your own space for recording. Whether it's for a hobby or serious entrepreneurship.

Building a studio can be seriously disorienting due to the spectrum of possibilities in the world of audio. With enough hard work and a willingness to learn, create and spend money you can create your space using this helpful guide.

Through the Lens

In this article we choose a theme that can be confusing for most beginners, and too vast for professionals to explain in simple words: Lenses.

Finding the right lens for your camera can vastly improve your images and overall production. But learning what you need to know about video and photo camera lenses can be expensive and time-consuming. In this article, we explain the different types of camera lenses so that you can understand which lens, or set of lenses, will be the best option moving forward.


Lighting is the principal factor for Setting up the scene. Whatever is the mood you are looking after, there is is a light for it.

From Modelling to Product Photography and Filming, lights play an important role. In this post we go through some of the options for both beginners and professionals photographers. What the Industry standards are. And some tricks of the trade.

Raise your voice

Microphones for the thousand. What to choose depending on your budget and your project.

What to choose depending on your budget and the application. To have the right mic for the job can make a great difference that you will save in time down the line.

What Cameras Do Professionals Use?

We found that approximately 63% of professionals use a mirrorless camera and 36% use a DSLR. Only 1% use a combination of both:

Out of all the major camera brands, Nikon is the most popular among professionals

The second most popular brand was Canon, followed by Sony and Fujifilm

Through the Lens

In this article we choose a theme that can be confusing for most beginners, and too vast for professionals to explain in simple words: Lenses.

Finding the right lens for your camera can vastly improve your images and overall production. But learning what you need to know about video and photo camera lenses can be expensive and time-consuming. In this article, we explain the different types of camera lenses so that you can understand which lens, or set of lenses, will be the best option moving forward.


Lighting is the principal factor for Setting up the scene. Whatever is the mood you are looking after, there is is a light for it.

From Modelling to Product Photography and Filming, lights play an important role. In this post we go through some of the options for both beginners and professionals photographers. What the Industry standards are. And some tricks of the trade.

Raise your voice

Microphones for the thousand. What to choose depending on your budget and your project.

What to choose depending on your budget and the application. To have the right mic for the job can make a great difference that you will save in time down the line.

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